My Story


Hello, I'm Dost. I was born on October 12, 1972 in Wolfsburg, Germany. I was designed a little differently than my older brother, the T1 model. There was a change in my glass design, I became a little bigger than my brother, but even though I was bigger, I still looked like a small and cute car. After leaving the factory, I went on a journey to Bonn with my other friends. I took my place in the window of a car dealership in Bonn. I enchanted everyone who saw me with my light blue color. Everyone in front of me turned their heads to look at me once again.
After a week of waiting, the day finally came. The man who was going to take me and start my great adventure had stepped through the door. When he first entered, I didn't notice much because he was like an ordinary businessman in a suit, like the other customers. He saw me, studied me carefully, and asked the employee about me. The moment I heard you ask me, I was so excited that my engine thumped. I was finally starting my big adventure. A few hours later that man was approaching me with my keys in hand. He opened my door, got into the driver's seat and started me up. I was wondering what kind of adventures we would embark on. Maybe we would go to a different city in Germany, maybe we would travel all over Europe, maybe we would see that place called America that I always heard about. But wherever we went, I would always carry it without any trouble, that's what I promised myself that day.
We were finally walking out of the store. We were traveling sweetly through the streets of Bonn. After traveling for about 20 minutes, we approached that building that will house me for years. My owner parked me, got off the couch and entered his house, a few minutes later I started to hear children screaming from the building. The voices were getting louder every second. Finally I saw 2 little kids coming out the door. I can never forget the big smile on their faces when they see me. They approached me with screams, and a few seconds later my owner and his wife came out the door. They both looked overjoyed. I was so happy to see this beautiful family that I could hardly keep myself from crying. Now I was a part of this family too. We used to go on a picnic to the forest every weekend. After having fun until the evening, we would go back to the house and rest. Sometimes other guests would come with us. Weeks, months or even years passed like this. Children grew up with me. Everything was going great until that day.
My owner came home very unhappy one day, I learned that day that he was fired from his job. The picnic we went to that weekend was the saddest picnic we've ever had, and it was the last picnic I had with them. Their financial situation was getting worse and worse, what used to be normal seemed like a luxury, and they had to say goodbye to certain things. That day was perhaps one of the worst days of my life, I was standing unaware of anything. Suddenly, the children came to me crying and at that moment I realized that I was going to say goodbye to my family. My owner gave me to someone who buys and sells used cars. Before I said goodbye to my family, my owner gave me one last hug and handed over my keys to the man who took me…
About 1.5 years had passed, I was waiting in a cold warehouse with other cars. I had no hope anymore, I thought I was going to rot in that warehouse forever. Until that day. Two of the weirdest-dressed people I've ever seen, with their floral shirts, long colored hair, and baggy pants, were smiling at me. This couple, whom other people call hippies, would become my new owners and companions on my big adventure. After they picked me up, they painted colorful flowers on me, decorated my inside and out, and put me in that awesome hippie style. They were talking among themselves, “where should we go first”, and eventually they said that their first destination was the Netherlands.
I couldn't believe it, I was going out of the country for the first time in my life, I was so excited at that moment that my headlights were almost out of place. Finally they got me to work and started the journey. With my new owners, I traveled to dozens of countries, hundreds of cities over the years, attended wild parties and accompanied the most wonderful songs of the world. Everything was going great, but like all good things, this adventure also had an end. We were visiting Istanbul in Turkey, our last stop. Everything was going great in Istanbul, I was fascinated and froze whenever I saw the wonderful Bosphorus view. Then we entered a place with a lot of cars, my owners got out of the car and talked for a while with the man who worked there. After the speech was over, they came to me, hugged me and said, "Unfortunately, our adventure ends here, little friend." The craziest years of my life were now ending here, and my days of solitude were beginning again.

I stayed in that place for years without moving, then they moved me to another city, but my lonely days continued there… Years passed, I became an old, rusty car that could not even move. Then came that day, the day I will come back to life. That person who will be my new owner saw me, examined me and decided to take me. My days of loneliness were coming to an end, but there was a small problem. I was too old to work anymore. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. My owner had already found a solution to this. He had pieces of me brought back from my hometown and made my insides completely new. They removed the rust and old paint and painted me with fresh paints. I felt like the day I left the factory, as if I had been reborn. But there was still a question that bothered me, what would he use me for? After my repair was completed, I came to Antalya. This is probably the hottest city I've ever seen in my life. I've heard the owner and his staff talking next to me, and now I'm talking about marriage proposals, wedding photography, romantic dinners, birthday parties with friends, etc. I would be used for work. Now I would be with many people in their happiest moments and share their happiness. Now I would be everyone's "Friend".